
David Mitchell

Talk:  “For Crying Out Loud”

David Mitchell has been addressing audiences for over 20 years, and the response is invariably one of continuous smiles and laughter.  And he comes wearing his historically accurate apparel!

Oyez, Oyez, and thrice Oyez!

His talk recounts the unusual situations in which this town crier has found himself, and the amusing consequences that have ensued. Before the age of printing and newspapers, the unamplified human voice was all that was available to spread news or proclaim law to the population at large.

With humour and a little humility, his stories include a horseback wedding proclamation that didn’t quite go to plan when the horse was spooked by the loudness of his rider’s voice; being invited to walk the high-wire for the Moscow State Circus; and filming ‘Moll Flanders’ with Alex Kingston, Daniel Craig and Diana Rigg.

The material for this talk is totally original and generates laughter from start to finish.

David Mitchell Town Crier high res

‘My sides were aching with laughter. Many ladies said It was the best talk we have ever had.’ Stratford on Avon Ladies Luncheon Club

  • Without doubt you will rank as one of the most interesting speakers we have had.  Bournemouth Literary Luncheon Club



  • We certainly enjoyed your company. Never before have I seen so many ladies wanting to be photographed with the guest speaker, and your outfit is amazing.  Rochdale Woman of the Year Luncheon
  • It was certainly very different from anything we had heard, or seen, before. Several people told me it was the best ever at the Club: as we have had some very good speakers that is a unique compliment. For us it was an unforgettable afternoon of brilliant entertainment.        The Manor Gatehouse Club, Wirral.

Copyright 2020 June Ford-Crush